Case study
Nourishing minds with the School Meals Program.
When the Red Cross and Jeugdeducatiefonds teamed up to launch the School Meals Program, we were excited to play a part in this vital initiative. The mission is simple yet powerful: ensure every child has the energy to learn by providing them with nutritious meals.

A smooth process
Our team set out to design a few concepts for a colourful logo and visual identity. After a smooth process, the next step after finalising the visual identity was creating an informative and engaging website, a platform that not only explains the programme's benefits but also makes it easy for schools to register and participate. Many flyers, brochures and animations followed, and the programme is still running!

“The team behind the School Meals Program unanimously chose concept #1 right away, which accelerated the entire process significantly. Happy client, happy designers!”
Irene, graphic designer